I'm nearing my fourth anniversary in SecondLife and although I have seldom (and briefly only) logged in these past four months, I still love that virtual world.
I met lots of people. Some are still my friends, some not any longer, for no reason at all. It's just the way things go: we follow different paths, pursue different projects and friendship fades away for lack of being nurtured.
Sometimes I look through my Calling Cards and remember moments, situations, emotions...
Four years and it seems like forever.
Places that I loved have disappeared. New places have been created.
What never ceases to surprise me is the creativity,
fantasy and skills of some residents.
Yes, it's really a wonderful and magic world created by its inhabitants and for this reason, LindenLabs should reserve some tier-free lands for all the residents who express their artistic skills and do not make money out of their creations.
fantasy and skills of some residents.
Yes, it's really a wonderful and magic world created by its inhabitants and for this reason, LindenLabs should reserve some tier-free lands for all the residents who express their artistic skills and do not make money out of their creations.
As to me, I evolved and learnt a lot. A little less naive than when I joined (on the notes of Beethoven Concert n.4 - http://youtu.be/PakU0Tyot5M) but never cynical.
SecondLife led me to attending its Forum where I "met" many interesting persons. What a pity that the change of platform and rules has been for the worse. *sighs*
Well, that's the way things go probably, but I miss the old Forum and the spontaneity there was.
Oh...I almost forgot ! Here are pictures (my first Av and my last ...up to now)
But The skin I always revert to is:
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