Thursday, December 27, 2012



After reading some posts in gV forum, I asked myself (and others) what's the line that defines one from the other?
What is sensual ? What is erotic and what is pornographic ?
It's largely - if not totally - subjective. For a Taliban, a woman without burqa is pornographic. For a nudist, it can be a woman with a lewd smile although she's completely dressed up to her neck.
To me, sensuality is something appealing to my senses; eroticism is something appealing to my sexuality and pornography is something which repels me rather than generating attractiveness. Pornography is - in my mind - debasing both eros and sensuality. But again, how can you define "debasing" ?
What is debasing for one may be awefully arousing for another.
I, personally, find it ridiculous that an Avatar nipple, seen through the transparence of a dress, can be censored by LL in their Forum. At times when anybody can access any kind of  site in the web (even teens), this looks kind of Victorian.
As to me, I think that human body is something wonderful (aesthetically (well...almost always! *grins*) as well as biologically) and I suppose that, in the end, as we say, the sin is in the eyes of the beholder.
I can but show what I mean with one and the other of the definitions and - as one of my College teachers always said - a picture is worth 1000 explanations:


Eros you wonder: and pornography ? Well, since pornography (as I mean it) does not appeal to me, I don't have photos. However there are a good many erotic photos I posted in  GOTVIRTUAL Forum's Naughty Thread, so you can view them there if you so wish...

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