Thursday, December 27, 2012

SATURDAY, MAY 14, 2011

A CHANCE ENCOUNTER 7 (to be cont'd)

He felt her fingers, her nails trailing further down and playfully tracing a line from one of his hips to the other, left to right and return, barely above his pubic hair, as her small breasts brushed against his taut thighs through the flimsy silk of her shirt and bra . He held his breath and closed his eyes, wanting more...more...more...
James’s arms were taught against the silk ropes as he was trying to test their resistance, although he endeavoured to avoid  showing her he was doing it. At the same time, an eerie feeling was taking hold of his body: even if he was enraged at being bound in such a fashion, at her full, smiling  lips, at her totally-in-command posture, he also felt a warmth pervading his whole body and his erection became almost painful, throbbing as it was despite his will.   All of a sudden, he wanted to let go, to abandon himself into those slender but firm hands, to feel  - with each part of his body  - that he belonged to her …
He didn’t understand what kind of process was taking hold of his body,  a body he usually had at his total mercy and command and that was now  – he couldn’t understand why and how -  betraying him.  He turned his head (as far as he could, straining his neck muscles in doing so) to avoid looking at that..that…that…he didn’t even know how to define her: bitch ? whore ? woman ? ..or perhaps…Mistress ?
She seemed to read all his thoughts and as she whispered in a low and almost raucous voice : “  James, look at me now “,  she bent to touch slightly his jaw and, with steely, yet soft fingers,   made him turn his head yet again in her direction, with unyielding strength.  He realized suddenly he loved  that pityless caress and wanted it to last, oh!  he wanted it so much …
And the shame he felt,  as he acknowledged such an alien powerful drive  that he never knew he had in himself , made him squirm under her touch, despite his resolve not  to show her he was aroused or disquieted.
He had no doubt she had noticed such signals, but  - strangely –  she chose to disregard them and didn't even hinted she had. Instead,  she unexpectedly kneeled, so very slowly and elegantly,  at the side of his bed, her eyes never leaving his and as he was fearing (yet expecting) her next move, she kissed him tenderly on his chin, all the while holding his head turned in her direction.

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