Monday, September 9, 2013


In answer to some comments I received concerning the position of Mr. Obama re.Syria.
First of all, I have a great admiration for the USA, their entrepreneurial capacity, sense of freedom and ideals.
I love the United States of America.
But (there's always a "but") are today's government's decisions up to such ideals ?
I can't help being moved when I read the first words of the United States of America's Constitution:
"We, The People".
I can't help singing their anthem when it's broadcasted.
Yes, indeed, this makes my throat get tight.
But are todays' decisions up to such high ideals ?
How can a Freedom-based Nation state that democracy has to be imposed on other countries
when it's still not completely achieved at home ?
Europe has a great debt of gratitude to pay to the USA.
But this doesn't mean all decisions, whatever they are, must be approved blindingly.
If we didn't discuss decisions that have a heavy impact on our territories, we'd be slaves and not partners.
"We, The People" means we're not slaves, subjects, things to be dealt with.
"We, The People" means we have the right to speak our mind.
So we do.