This is President Obama after his re-election campaign.
Good that I didn't raise my hopes too high when he was elected and then re-elected.
Guantanamo is still there and his military actions have brought only misery to the people of the countries where USA fought the so-called humanitarian wars.
But realpolitik always wins and he probably still has to pay some debts to the lobbies that had him re-elected, among which armament companies.
How long shall USA fight wars that have seemingly no end and the only result of which is to hand over whole countries to fundamentalists and coffins of fighting fine young men back to America ?
Don't tell me that democracy is based on votes. Then you would have to say that Ceausescu, Hitler, Mussolini, the dynasty of Kims of North Korea, Pol Pot, etc had been democratically elected as they usually gathered 98% of votes.
Dictators rely on ignorance, illiteracy, terror, religion, corruption.
I'd rather have a Mubarak than a Morsi in Egypt; a Saddam Husseyn than the current, never-ending butchery in Iraq; etc..etc...
Do the USA really want to hand over also Syria to the local branch of Iran-piloted extremist puppets?
All in all, USA have been playing right into the hands of the extremist parties sharing the creed and the systems of extremist-based governments..
Did Afghanistan, Iraq, Lybia teach nothing to those high-level "geniuses" in the think-room ?
It wouldn't be a bad idea to watch again the film "Dr. Strangelove". Much to learn from it.
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